5 Opportunities for Growth the Coronavirus is Presenting Humanity

As a trauma specialist, I have come to fully believe that all struggles in life present tremendous opportunities for healing and growth. I see it within every one of my clients. They honor their pain and fear and then stand upon it to evolve into the next level of their humanity.

The coronavirus is presenting us with that same opportunity. As a world, we are in the midst of a traumatic experience; therefore we are collectively being given many opportunities to heal and grow together.

Please do not be mistaken; this entry is by no means all '“rainbows and butterflies”. Getting curious about the opportunities for growth the coronavirus is offering to us does not minimize or deny the very real stressors and feelings that you (and many of us) are experiencing because of it. It is important to honor our fear, financial stress, uncertainty, confusion, sadness, and anything else coming up. It is crucial that we listen to our doctors’ and scientists’ guidance on how to get through this. We can BOTH honor our experience and respect the science AND get curious about the opportunities for healing and growth the coronavirus is presenting to us. They are not mutually exclusive; but rather powerfully coexist as a force to help us transcend this challenging and uncertain time. Below are some of the opportunities I see:

1. Coming Together as a World:

Yes, travel restrictions are being enacted and flights canceled mid-air. Despite “staying put” for the benefit of social distancing, the coronavirus is bringing us together in a much more powerful way. It is reminding us of our shared humanity. No matter what country we live in, the color of our skin, the God we do or do not pray too; we are all vulnerable to this invisible virus. Let us use this to heal our division and embrace the fact that we are much more alike than we are different.

2. Considering our Older Adults:

No matter where we are in the world, we quite literally owe our lives to our elderly, as we would not be here without them. The coronavirus is reminding us not to forget about them. As strong as they may be, they are vulnerable and they need younger generations to consider their needs and show up for them. Our elderly will continue to need us after the coronavirus. Let us use this as an opportunity to practice putting our most vulnerable’s needs ahead of our own.

3. Protecting the Planet:

Scientists have been shouting from the rooftops for a long time to take better care of our planet if we want to have a home in the future. The coronavirus has forced us to drastically reduce our collective carbon footprint in a very short period of time. We have canceled flights, reduced the manufacturing of plastic, saved on gas and emissions by staying home, bought locally, etc. Let us use this as an opportunity to purposefully choose new ways to reduce our collective carbon footprint rather than it being forced upon us.

4. Showing Up for Each Other

I have seen many beautiful acts of service come across my newsfeed this past week. The Italian people sharing their stunning voices or musical skills out their windows to join with and entertain their neighbors; communities offering to make lunches and provide meals for children who are food insecure and will not be able to get their meals at school; neighbors offering to watch children who are home from school while their parents still need to work. When the coronavirus is long gone, we will still have food-insecure children, single parents who could use support and neighbors who need their spirits lifted. Let us use this as an opportunity to remember that we are here to be of service to each other.

5. Returning Home

Students are returning home from university; school ago children home from school; parents home from work. Sports events are canceled; movie theaters, aquariums, and zoos are closed. We are told to stay put and only go out for the necessities. In today’s fast-paced, competitive world full of 2 jobs, carpools, and practices, we don’t get this opportunity to just BE at home WITH EACH OTHER very often. Have pillow fights, take nature walks, have dance parties, make brownies, have staring contests, the time is yours to create with. Let us use this as an opportunity to truly connect and relearn how to just BE together.

What opportunities do you see?